A package for transient and steady state simulation of organic solar cells
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Set device material properties.
Not implemented.
Set input data properties related to the Finite Element discretization.
Define the model for charge injection and surface recombination at the contacts as described in the papers [1,2].
Define the model for charge injection and surface recombination at the contacts as described in the papers [1,2].
Set input data properties related to the Finite Element discretization.
Generate a 1D uniform FE mesh.
Constant mobility model.
Poole-Frenkel mobility model:
Onsager-type exciton dissociation model.
Langevin-type recombination model, this models does not have any user-set parameters.
Constant exciton dissociation coefficient model.
Constant recombination coefficient model.
Set input data properties related to the non linear equation solver.
Prepare the non linear solver kernel to run a steady state simulation.
Run a steady state simulation.
demo for the OSC simulator.
Prepare the time-stepping kernel to run a transient simulation.
Run a transient simulation.
Set input data properties related to the time discretization.
Get a table of the values of the variable VAR_NAME at times T and at points X from the raw output of a transient simulation OUTPUT.
demo for the OSC simulator.
demo for the OSC simulator.
demo for the OSC simulator.
Define a function of time.
Define a function of time and space.